
亚洲美女色图-欧美裸体色图-亚洲色图 基廷重申“一个中国” 澳学者:澳应劝好意思国毁灭在亚太谋霸权丨寰宇不雅

发布日期:2024-09-01 01:22    点击次数:74

亚洲美女色图-欧美裸体色图-亚洲色图 基廷重申“一个中国” 澳学者:澳应劝好意思国毁灭在亚太谋霸权丨寰宇不雅

  近期亚洲美女色图-欧美裸体色图-亚洲色图,澳大利亚前总理基廷在澳大利亚播送公司(ABC)时政访谈节目《7.30》痛批现政府的国防和酬酢计策放手工党传统价值不雅,并默示,好意思国东说念主说要保护台湾,可骨子上台湾是中国的“地产”。就此,中新网采访了澳大利亚前总理陆克文计策防守人、太和智库高档盘问员鲍韶山(Warwick Powell)。



  他归来说念,基廷的不雅点把这些问题想法地从头提到澳大利亚国度议程上亚洲美女色图-欧美裸体色图-亚洲色图,对澳大利亚和通盘这个词亚洲地区来说,齐是一种孝顺。(记者 陈天浩)

  Australia’s former Prime Minister Paul Keating told ABC’s 7.30 that “Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest” and it is “Chinese real estate”, saying that both the U.S. and Australia subscribed to the one-China policy and had done so for decades. During an interview with China News Network, Warwick Powell, former policy advisor to Kevin Rudd and a senior fellow at Taihe Institute, says that Keating’s view has been a long-standing Australian view in place for over 50 years.

  Powell adds that the agency envelope for Australia"s foreign and defense policy has been constrained by the ways the U.S. articulated its concerns.

  According to Powell, Australia is better positioned to persuade Washington that reclaiming primacy in the Asia-Pacific is no longer viable or realistic. Instead, America’s pursuit is a threat to regional stability, peace, and prosperity.

  Keating"s interjections, by putting these issues fairly and squarely back onto the national agenda, is a service to Australia and the region亚洲美女色图-欧美裸体色图-亚洲色图, Powell concludes. (Chen Tianhao)

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